Messages from the Body Title

Michael J. Lincoln (FKA Narayan-Singh Khalsa) earned his Ph.D. in clinical psychology at the University of Oregon, including several years teaching, research assisting and working at mental hospitals, a counseling center, a mental health clinic, and the institution for the retarded. He then started out as the clinical director of one of the first behavior modification treatment programs for emotionally disturbed children. He pioneered the successful healing of deep emotional wounds in both children and their families through the integration of behavioral and psychoanalytic approaches. He went on to serve in this role in several other innovative treatment programs for children and adolescents over a thirty year span.

The Book - click book cover to read excerpts from book

This book is an outstanding overview on the nature of Addictions and Cravings. In addition, a "Dictionary" of the Psychological (and occasionally the sacred) meanings of various addictions and cravings ranging from "Crack" to Mozart. As the title of this book suggests, this is a book about the meanings of having various addictions and cravings. Put succinctly, the body is like the densest component of our consciousness expression. When all else fails to get the point across to us, our bodies falter in the areas vulnerable to the issues at hand. When this happens, illnesses and afflictions happen to tell us what we are not getting by less drastic communications. So when our body fails us, we need to listen and hear what the message is. It is for this reason that this and the other books by the author, about bodily communications (Messages From the Body; Allergies and Aversions) were written. They are like translation codes to help us hear the message our body is trying to convey. They reflect the evolution-based universal collective linkages of the physical body's manifestation with the emotional, mental, functional, symbolic, mythological and spiritual realms as they have become fused over the millennia. Addictions are bodily “cravings” that develop when we are not receiving what we need from other sources. In particular, addictions and compulsive desires develop when our natural connection to the “Home Office” (All That Is) is prevented or severed. This is NOT a "How to Fix" book but rather a "How Come" book. Enjoy the profound awareness that this information will bring to you!